
Always have a plan

B and I talk lots about plans. We try to plan for anything and everything while still being flexible as we know things change.

Finances - yup, we have a plan for our spending, saving, & emergencies
1. 3 months expenses in savings
2. no debt
3. keep my grocery spending under control... what can I say, I love fresh!

Food - meal plans set us up for success when we are busy during the week, it also keeps us from eating junk!
Breakfast - we have been loving the breakfast cookie
Lunch - leftovers, wraps, or salads
Dinner - protein and veggies
Snacks - fruit, Cliff bars, Lara bars, veggies & hummus

Workouts - here is my specific plan, we see our personal trainer together but do most of our other workouts individually:
Sunday - long cardio & core
Monday - Force class
Tuesday - workout with personal trainer
Wednesday - Force class
Thursday - AbSolution class
Friday - workout with personal trainer
Saturday - Force class

This weekend it is a long weekend. We plan to sleep in, work on some financial stuff, workout, update our items for sale on Kijiji, and I have some cleaning to do (nothing significant, just tidying!)

Have a great long weekend!

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