

Happy Friday!

I loved having a short work week this week. It's been productive as I have been wrapping up a bunch of projects I want to complete before Christmas vacation! Here are a few highlights:

1. We went to the Faculty Club Christmas party last Saturday night. The food was delicious, the company is always a good time, and the band was amazing.

2. We had the most amazing cheese plate at Grapevine in New Orleans! I love good quality cheese plates that do not cost an arm and a leg.

3. Did you know santa's sleigh is pulled by alligators in Louisiana. Seriously.

4. I have decided I need to decrease my ecological footprint in 2014. I print way to much. It took me 4 hours to get through a bunch of old class materials as well as sort through marpterials from the classes I taught a few semesters ago.

Have a great weekend! Mine will be spent doing laundry, picking up a few last Christmas gifts (okay, just one that someone requested on Wednesday... We all know I have been done Christmas shopping for over a month), and packing for Christmas vacation!


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