

Shhh... I have a secret. I have been working towards my goal of running 5km. It was one of my NYR and since half the year is past I thought I should get working on it. Yes, I know June in Louisiana is not the best time to start running but I find it quite enjoyable in the mornings. I can teach 2 hours straight of Zumba but I cannot run for more than 1 minute. Nuts! I did some research and I decided to start with the couch to 5k program. Its only 30 minutes of training 3 days per week, the app on my iPod tells me exactly when to run and when to walk, and I can listen to my fave music at the same time. 

Week 1 was successful! B even joined me on Friday (even with the excess humidity). This week I increase my running time. I'll let you know how that goes.

To keep me motivated I have pinned a bunch of running quotes. Here are some of my faves:

Time for week 2 day 1!

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