
Teach me something: the study cycle

I love to teach others about things I have learned, especially when they are tricks that have help me become successful. Before classes started this semester, I went to a seminar for graduate assistants about academic success. At this session, I learned about the study cycle. Not only was this important for me to apply to my own studies, it is also important for all professors and instructors to teach these skills to their students so they can be successful as well.

The study cycle provides a guide for effective time management skills and effective study strategies combined into one easy to read diagram. I have been following each of these strategies so far this semester:
preview: before class, skim the chapters for headings, concepts, bold words, and chapter summaries
attend: go to class & take notes (this seems to be hard for students around here, they claim its the southern culture)
review: review class notes within the next 24 hours, fill in concepts missed in class
study: complete 3-5 short study sessions per day (see above outline of time to spend) and re-read the materials covered that week on Sundays
assess: is the study cycle working for me? do I know the materials well enough to teach concepts to others?

And that kids if how I have been spending my study time this semester... and how I got 102.5% on mystats midterm without cramming the entire weekend before the exam.

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