
Deja vu

{the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the prior encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined}

I feel like we've seen a similar post... it might have been yesterday. 
Yesterday I spent my day painting.
Little did I knot (until I was cleaning everything) I was using oil based paint. I had a nice white coat all over my hands that would not come off until we went out to buy mineral spirits. Miracle worker that one is... Don't worry, I took off my ring prior to painting. Might be the best decision I made yesterday. The sunroom trim is complete... now I just need to figure out what to use to paint the floor. Any suggestions?

I made another new recipe last night. I read this recipe a while back and knew I needed to try it since B bought a butternut squash. It is called Butternut squash mac n cheeze by Oh She Glows. Notice a trend? Vegan dinner for a second time this week! In the words of B: "if  you did not tell me where you got this recipe I would think it was filled with cheesy goodness". It was amazing. We absolutely loved it and think you would too. Please go make it asap then send me a thank you card... a great meal and great for you too!

I did my daily bodyrock workout again today. I would not want to admit that I skipped it... blog commitment is the best motivation ever!
Sandbag Shoulder Lift & Drop (L & R Shoulder) - 18, 17, 19 
1 Leg Push-up’s & jump over the Sandbag bag - 7, 8, 8 
10 High Knees & 10 Mountain Climbers - 3, 3, 3 
Tuck Knees & Explosive Star Jump - 10, 10, 12

Star Abs - 15
Left Oblique Plank & Side Drop - 31
Right Oblique Plank & side Drop - 31

BTW - our internet goes out everyday at 8am and 8pm for a few minutes. Deja vu?

In other exciting news - there is a food truck gathering 5 blocks from our house tomorrow night! I cannot wait to try Taco de Paco!

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